Short story: wear retainers until you’re tired of having straight teeth.

Retainers are what we use after your treatment is complete. Retainers retain the straightness of the teeth. Sounds simple: Get your teeth straight and then wear retainers.
Ever heard of someone having braces more than once? I have. Matter of fact, I’ve received orthodontic treatment three times in my life (and as of this writing I’m not yet an old man). You read that correctly. Dr. Gentry has had orthodontic treatment 3 times: two sets of braces (teens, then in mid-20s), then aligners in my 30s.
Is it possible to have one treatment and keep straight teeth the rest of your life?
Yes. And that’s my goal for every patient: for you to have what I didn’t – the right retainers and the knowledge of how to use them correctly forever. I had the right retainers, but I didn’t know the rest of the story.
What’s the rest of the story?
First, how teeth shift and why teeth shift is well-understood. I determine what retainers will be needed before treatment begins for every patient. Second, you must understand that teeth shifting is normal for everyone. This happens your entire life. Think of it as an aging process: aging is simply a continual process of your body changing. Everything in our bodies changes continually. Our teeth are no different. Tooth shifting is a preventable aging process. That’s what retainers are. That’s all. Retainers are anti-aging for your teeth.
So, how do you live to be 100 years old
and die with straight teeth?
Simple. Put your retainers in the night before (and every night prior).
It is my responsibility to provide you with proper retainers. It is also my responsibility to teach you how and when to use them. Short story: wear retainers until you’re tired of having straight teeth. I don’t want you to ever have treatment more than once like me.
Contact me today for any questions or to set up an appointment.